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Planning Board Minutes 5/24/07
Monterey Planning Board
May 24, 2007
Minutes of the Meeting

        Members Present: Alan Salamon, Cindy Hoogs, ,Laurily Epstein, Maggie Leonard

        Public Present: Rob Hoogs (arrived at 7:30)

        Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

        I.      Hear from the public

        II.     Read and approve minutes

        Minutes read, amended and approved.
        Epstein reported that the Attorney General had turned down right to farm bylaw.  Epstein talked to the town clerk.  According to the clerk it doesn't need to go through the PB and she doesn't think that another public hearing is necessary.  The clerk thinks all PB needs to do is re-file so that it is on file in town hall.  Clerk thinks there will be a special town meeting in the summer on the school issue and it can be on the warrant then.  Epstein added that that was the clerk's interpretation.
        Hoogs asked why the AG turned down the right to farm bylaw.  Leonard answered that apparently the text wasn't on file at the town hall.
Epstein explained that she had given the text to Melissa, but Barbara Swan hadn't known that it was at town hall.

Hoogs pointed out that although the new chair had been appointed, no one had been placed onto BRPC.  Leonard said that she would continue to do it.   Specifics on the BRPC meetings were discussed.  Epstein made motion to nominate Leonard; four votes to approve.

III.    Meet with Rob Hoogs at 7:30 to have a working meeting on revisions to the common driveway bylaw

Rob Hoogs arrived at 7:30 and spoke on Common Driveways.  He fielded many questions and also spoke about the currently existing town bylaws that cover CDs.  The PB was surprised to see the bylaws he had uncovered as they were seemingly unknown to anyone as far as the PB members knew.  Leonard offered to ask the DPW about them as that was the website Rob Hoogs had found them on.  Rob covered what other nearby towns do with CDs and offered many suggestions.  He provided the PB with a list of questions that they should have answers to before drafting the final version of their CD bylaws.

Epstein left at 9:15pm.

Rob offered to come back.  The hour was approaching ten and members were feeling tired and very interested in what Rob had to offer.

IV.     Any other business board members bring before the board

Jason Dunlop announced that he would be absent from the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55pm.